Friday, December 17, 2021

Week of December 12th


Greetings Bailly Families!! It's hard to believe that we are already at the halfway point of this school year!! I look forward to the second half of the year seeing students continue grow and learn! I hope everyone is able to relax a bit and enjoy time with family and friends over break.


First graders continued on their code cracking journey! First they were presented with a message that was written backwards and inverted. I had them look at the message first without offering any clues. Then, I handed them a mirror. When they looked at the message in the mirror they were able to read it! We also briefly discussed how Leonardo DaVinci used to write his ideas for inventions this way. It is thought that he did this to make it more difficult for people to read his notes and steal his ideas. 

Ask your child what an anagram is! Students were each given four sticky notes with one letter on each P-T-O-S. Next, they were tasked with writing as many words they could make using all four letters on their white boards. They did an awesome job with this! We then talked about how words that have the same letters, just in a different order, are called anagrams. 
Finally, we read The Great Show-and-Tell Disaster, a funny book with tons of anagrams in the story! 


The first grade mathematicians practiced distinguishing shapes by using attributes this week. We reviewed what we have learned about attributes of 2-D shapes. Next, students took turns sorting shapes by attributes. One person placed alike shapes inside of a square and the other students had to identify the common attribute of the shapes.  Each student had an opportunity to do this twice.


We finished The Tale of Depereaux movie! The kids really enjoyed watching the movie. They all did an excellent job at recognizing differences between the book and movie. It was about a 50/50 vote as far as preferring the movie or book. Personally, I lean towards the book!


Second grade math kiddos paired up and used the 2-D shapes that they made last week as bases to create 3-D shapes. We discussed the differences in attributes of 2-D and 3-D shapes. Each pair then presented their 3-D shape to the class and identified the attributes for their classmates. 


Third graders were introduced to The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. First, I read the poem to them and asked what type of mood the poem had. What colors did they think would be associated with the poem if it were a piece of art?
I then read the poem again more slowly and asked students to try and visualize it in their head as they listened. Each student was then given a piece of 12x18 paper to sketch and color the story based on what was heard. 
As they continued coloring, I played the Gordon Lightfoot version of the song. Students were encouraged not to leave any white remaining on their paper. After the song, I played the documentary as they finished working.


Due to scheduling conflicts with a grade wide presentation, we only had one full day of math this week. We played some fun games reviewing what students have been learning on the patterns 100's charts. It's great to see the students figuring out the patterns without looking at a chart!


Fourth graders kept plugging away on their biography projects this week. They have been doing amazing at gathering information. Some have started putting information into a timeline, the rest will get there after break. I can't wait to share the finished projects with you!


Due to classroom conflicts, fourth grade math only met on Wednesday this week. Students continued working on a logic puzzle. This really worked their brains! 

-Mrs. Marquardt