Saturday, March 4, 2017

Testing..testing..and High Ability

Testing.....Testing.....and High Ability

Kindergarten CogAT Testing:

We have now completed all the testing in kindergarten.  We are still going over all the data and collecting additional data for a few.  Once we are finished, you will receive a CogAT informational packet.  The cover letter helps explain the requirements and steps needed to qualify for high ability.  Each student will receive a cover letter with the results of their screener score attached.  Those who qualified to take the full CogAT test will have an additional paper with their results.  Permission slips are included for those who's scores qualified them for LA, math or both.  Students will begin HA services starting fourth nine weeks, but will meet only for about six weeks.  CogAT is just one pathway into HA.  The second pathway is through the end of the year NWEA scores.  Students who qualify through NWEA will be identified at the very end of the year, so they will begin high ability in first grade.

Second Grade CogAT Screening:

Next week we will finish up testing our last group of second graders.  It is the same procedure as used with our kindergartners.  All students are tested, those with qualifying scores will take the full test in upcoming weeks.  The difference with second grade is, we do give all of our current high ability students the full test regardless of their screener score.  The current data for all second graders, will be used in making decisions about high ability placement in third grade.  In addition to CogAT results, we will use end of the year NWEA scores.  Think of them as pathways, they do not need to qualify through both . . . just one.

1st Grade LA

Lipograms: This week we started a new lesson. As always, our new lessons start with a fun puzzle to solve. Our puzzle this week reviled the letter “E” is used most often when we write. In our new lesson we will be learning about lipograms, a piece of writing in which a letter (or letters) is deliberately left out. This may help you understand the homework from last week a little more. Tuesday we went over this homework and made a class lists of the words the students came up with. We referred to this list while we rewrote the “Jack and Jill” nursery rhyme as a lipogram on “E”.  It started as; Jack and Jill go up a hill to grab a pail of liquid......

1st Grade MA

Area: This week we ended our target design lesson by finishing our Think Deeply. These kids did such an amazing job it gave us extra time for fun review activities. We did some think beyond worksheets and a robot area worksheet. 
The students were able to design a robot on grid paper. Next, they needed to count the area of the head, body, arms and legs. These worksheets went home with everyone on Tuesday.

2nd Grade LA

The Tale of Despereaux: We are starting a NEW novel study on The Tale of Despereaux!!! I introduced the book on Wednesday along with my expectations of their responsibilities during this novel study (i.e. reading the assigned chapters and completing worksheets when given). The students were able to look through the book, at the cover, the pictures, and the chapter titles. Next, they then needed to write a half page in their journals on what they thought the book would be about. A lot of the students noticed this book is written by the same author as The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Some students used this information to help predict what The Tale of Despereaux may be about; maybe a journey with a mouse instead of a rabbit. If the student finished early they were able to work on a Depereaux word search.

2nd Grade MA

Predicting Area: This week we worked on predicting area in square feet. I had brought in 2 sleeping bags, an adult sized one and a child sized one. The students needed to predict then measure the sleeping bags. This was to help the students find a deeper understanding of what it means to find the area of something. We finished up Tuesday starting our next section on measuring area. The kids needed to predict the square feet of my desk, measure it with our square foot tiles and then find the difference in the two. We will continue this next week.


3rd Grade LA

Fairy Tales: Monday we stated a new genre of Folk Tales, Fairy Tales. We discussed the elements and the definition of a Fairy Tale. The students read The Miser in the Bush (I hadn’t had a voice since last Thursday). We will discuss this story and its fairy tale elements next week. Tuesday I wanted it to be fun and easy since ISPEP starting that morning. The students made up fairy tale mad libs then shared them in class. They made up some great ones and were able to take them home. Make sure you ask to hear it.

3rd Grade MA

Finishing up area: On Wednesday some of the student finished counting and labeling the area of their human outline. The goal of this project was to help students measure area by counting unit squares and partial squares. The partial squares gave some of the groups trouble. They needed to understand that a partial square unit could NOT be counted as a full square unit. As a group they needed to decide how to assign an amount to the partial units; many decided to measure them as half square units. Thursday, as the students finished their labeling, we played SETS!!!  It’s a fun game that can be played online or bought and played at home. Yes, I have taken it home to play with my kids, that’s how fun it is!!

4th Grade LA

Change Maker Projects are DUE: The students drew presentation dates on Tuesday. March 6th presenters will be: George, Samantha, Alaina, Kara and Natelie. March 7th presenters will be: Sam, Luke, Rowyn, Amadeo, and Emma. Parents are able to watch as long as you have a background check on file. PLEASE have your child practice their monologue at home. It should be at least 1.5-2 minutes long. If a monologue runs over I am PERFECTLY happy with that. 
The monologues need to be memorized, however they will be able to glance at their prezi if needed. If your child's prezi is NOT completed it can be finished by logging onto Email: Password: 4gradela

4th Grade MA

Think Deeply and Kahoot: It being ISTEP week I was looking for an easy fun week for the kids. On Wednesday the students had to complete their Think Deeply over our Transformation Lesson. This was by far, the easiest TD they’ve had to date, great timing. The students had to list their transformation directions from their Just Doggin’ it worksheet, switch with a partner, and follow their written directions. 
This encouraged students to follow written transformation instructions as well as double checking peer instructions. They needed to make sure all concepts were included in each transformation direction (i.e. number of spaces moved, direction of movement……). Thursday we played math mind teasers on Kahoot.  Some of these were extremely tricky!! If a student was the only one to get a question correct, they shared their solution and received a glow stick.
Each student gets to pick a screen name for Kahoot; I was a little partial to the one in the picture above😉. These 4th graders are a blast!!!!!!