Friday, November 22, 2019

Barnes and Noble Night

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Please consider coming to Barnes and Noble tonight for the PTO event. If you are unable to make it, you can still support Bailly by shopping online using code 12566295. Purchases made in the cafe also count. The schedule is as follows: 

  • 5:30 PM Snowman Scavenger Hunt
  • 6:00 PM Roles Poetry Cafe
  • 6:30 Stories with Mr. Zeck
  • 7:00 PM Crafts

11/22- Barnes and Noble Night 4:00-8:00 PM
11/26- George's Gyro Give Back Night
11/27-11/29- Thanksgiving Break-No School
12/5- E-Learning 


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We read the Disappearing Alphabet by Richard Wilbur this week. We discussed how changing just one letter completely changes a word. Students began learning about word ladders. In a word ladder you change one letter of a word at a time to create a new word. We will continue on this next week. 


In math this week, students weighed the objects they brought from home against other items using a bag of 50 pennies as a benchmark. We are working on understanding the property of transitivity. We will continue this lesson after Thanksgiving break. 


We continued our lesson on A Pen Pal For Max this week. Students worked together to summarize the story. They did a great job picking out the most important details of the story. Next, we broke the story down into the parts of Freytag's pyramid. The kids were each assigned a component of the pyramid and wrote it on a strip of paper. Then, I mixed up the strips and handed them out to different students. After reading their strip they had to go stand on the model pyramid based on what story component they thought their paper represented. They seemed to really enjoy this activity. We will work on doing this with another story next week. 


This week students learned more about the slide, flip, and turn movements we will be using to turn shapes into a tessellation. They were each given a triangle and moved it along on a worksheet so they could visualize the movements. After Thanksgiving break students will work on creating their own tessellations. 



Peter Rabbit First ToyAuthor Beatrix Potter was introduced to students this week. They learned how her love of animals and nature inspired her stories. They also discovered that in 1903 Beatrix designed and patented a  Peter Rabbit doll. Peter is the world's oldest licensed literary character. Next week, we will be reading and analyzing some of Beatrix Potter's work, beginning with Mrs. Tiggy Winkle. If you would like to read more about Beatrix Potter please follow this link


Image result for what would the 137th letter be if you wrote sarah over and overThis week was mostly a review. We did a few name game problems and just practiced using a formula to solve a problem. We will begin a new lesson after Thanksgiving break. 


Girls Think of Everything: Stories of Ingenious Inventions by WomenThis week we talked about biographies and what type of information is typically included in them. We then read several biographies of famous female inventors and discussed the components. Next week, we will begin another biography and do a biography organizer. 


Image result for 3-d prisms and pyramidsThis week we continued our lesson on 3-D shapes. Students worked on finding out how many vertices, edges, and faces were on several different prisms and pyramids. We then discussed certain rules that can be applied to prisms and separate rules that work on pyramids. There were some struggles comprehending all of the rules so we will spend some more time practicing and applying those next time we meet. 

I hope to see some of you tonight at the Barnes and Noble event! Due to the holiday, there will not be a blog next week. Enjoy your Thanksgiving break and extra time with family!
Mrs. Marquardt

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Friday, November 15, 2019

Fabulous Friday

Image result for fabulous friday clipart"

11/15- Box Tops and Frozen Friday
11/18- Parent Body Safety at 6:00 PM
11/19- Student Body Safety Presentation
11/22- Barnes and Noble Night 4:00-8:00 PM
11/27-11/29- Thanksgiving Break-No School


This week students composed their persuasive paragraphs based on the information they had put in their hamburger model. We wrote a paragraph that was in favor of all first graders learning Pig Latin and one that was opposed to it. For each opinion students had to come up with an introduction, three supporting details, and a conclusion. We wrote the paragraphs together and then they put them into Pages on their IPad's. 


Students started a new lesson in math this week called A Bag of Pennies. We are still focusing on the measurement of weight. For this lesson we are using a baggie filled with 50 pennies as the benchmark. First, students counted out 50 pennies and put them into a baggie. Next,they picked two other items and put 50 of each into separate baggies. We discussed that even though all three bags had the same number of items in them, they did not weigh the same. Then they had to measure all three baggies to determine which was the heaviest, middle, and lightest. Students were sent home with an assignment to bring something (non-food items) from home that is either a little bit heavier or a little lighter than the bag of 50 pennies. We will use those items from home in class next week. 



Image result for freytag's pyramidStudents completed their final draft of their opinion paragraph this week. Next, we began talking about what makes something a story. They were very good at identifying that a story needs characters, a setting, and a plot. Students were then introduced to Freytag's Pyramid, the structure that most stories follow. We also listened to the story, A Pen Pal for Max. Next week, we will summarize the story and break it down into the parts of Freytag's Pyramid. 


Image result for tessellation
This week students were introduced to the geometric design called a tessellation. I explained that a tessellation is a design that repeatedly uses one or more geometric shape to tile an area with no gaps or overlaps. We also talked about how the geometric shapes are moved using either a flip, turn, or slide movement to create the tessellation. We practiced all of those movements using several different shapes and will be using them to create our own mosaic patterns soon!



Students completed their final drafts of their paragraph on the girl from The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses. Students chose a character trait they felt described the girl and then wrote an introduction, three supporting details from the text, and a conclusion. Due to the two hour delay, we were only able to meet once this week. We will begin a new lesson next week. 


Students continued learning about using formulas this week. They also took a chapter check up to ensure that every student has a clear understanding of the information we have covered so far. Based on the check up results, I will go over any topic that needs more attention before we start our new lesson. 


This week we wrapped up our lesson on Greek/Latin root words, prefixes, and suffixes. Students shared the words that they made up from the word parts and other students had to decipher what the new word meant. We also reviewed parts of speech by analyzing several sentences. Next, we discussed what a biography is. We will be reading and analyzing biographies next week. 


Image result for polyhedra

We began a lesson on 3-D shapes this week. We discussed definitions of polyhedron, prisms, and pyramids. Students were shown several 3-D shapes and we identified together whether or not the shapes were a polyhedron. If the shape was a polyhedron, we then classified it as a pyramid or prism. We will continue this lesson next week. 

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Marquardt