Saturday, February 27, 2016

News for the week of February 22, 2016

Bailly Elementary! 

Wow, what a week! I hope you all enjoyed your snow days! It was sweet to see my kiddos in the hallway on Friday morning asking if they could still come down to see me for math! I love those Bailly Learners!

I enjoyed meeting many of the Bailly parents last night at the Willy Wonka Night! It was so much fun! My hat is off to the Bailly PTO and Duneland staff for your hard work, great job! My family had a super time eating pizza, the chocolate fountain treats (oh my!) and all those games! Did you see that silly Willy walking around with his big top hat?!

Congrats to the kids who brought in the answer to this weeks riddle: moon!

This has riddle has become SO popular that I've run out of treats! I'll have to pick up some new prizes this weekend! IMPORTANT: Next week if they would like to receive the prize, they must bring in the answer written on paper from home! We've had a few sneaky kiddos sharing the riddle and answer right before class! 

This weeks riddle:
What kind of bow can't be tied?

CogAT Testing for HA

This week I gave the full screening to kindergarten students for High Ability Services for the 2016-2017 school year. Starting March 1st, I will be screening all of second grade for High Ability Services for the 2016-2017 school year, I will miss my 1st and 3rd graders on Wed. 3/2.  

Mrs. Jarka and Holly Koedyker from LES are attending a workshop on High Ability Identification in April, along with a representatives from each building in Duneland. (LIS, WIS, CMS and CHS) They look to gain a lot more valuable information for narrowing in our high ability identification.  Students will now be monitored at the end of each school year which is new.  Next year there will be new students added, many will remain and some will be removed.  It's pretty common, at this age, to have the flow "in and out" of a gifted program.  I'm excited about the continuing progress of our high ability services.  Not only is Duneland's High Ability identification becoming more spot on, but the new curriculum is geared towards meeting the needs of gifted children.  We've also just purchased a new math curriculum that we'll be using at each grade level next year.  I'm so very excited about the future of our program!

First Grade Math:

No classes due to our snow days! I'll see you guys on Thursday next week to finish up our clock & time lesson! 

First Grade LA:

This week Emmersynn worked on the Linking Letters lesson . She read the book The Boy Who Loved Words and solved a Polybius Cipher. I also introduced Portmanteau words and send home a homework worksheet so we can create a word cloud next week. I can't wait to see what she puts down!  


Second Grade Math:

No classes due to our snow days! I'll see you guys on Wednesday next week to finish up our Magic Hexagon lesson!

Second Grade LA:

This week we finished up reading The Velveteen Rabbit and made a Venn diagram comparing with Edward Tulane. We also watched a quick Velveteen Rabbit movie. Next week we will begin a metaphor lesson.

Happy Birthday Zach!

Third Grade Math:

We missed this week because of the snow days and we will miss next week because of testing. I'll see you guys soon, we'll work on our timed multiplication test and begin a new percent pack!

Third Grade LA:

This week we picked out nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs from The Mouse and the Lion. Then we made a Venn diagram comparing other two fables. It was nice to see how well they worked as a team and cheered one another on when they came up to write down their ideas. Next week we will begin fairy tales and have a little fun since it will be right after iStep testing! 

Fourth Grade Math:

We missed this week because of the snow days. I'll see you guys next week, don't forget to bring in your signed forms for your role reversal lesson!

Fourth Grade LA

We began our presentations! The kids seemed a little uncomfortable having their presentations video taped for the Blog so we agreed that taking a picture would be OK too. On Monday Riona did her presentation about Albert Einstein and Logan skipped ahead of day to do his presentation on Roald Dahl. On Tuesday Luke gave his presentation on Peyton Manning and Michael on JFK. I'm really proud of these kids, they've worked very hard on each step of the project for weeks! Their hard work really showed! 

Next week we will finish up. Please encourage your child to practice at home too!   

Olivia 2/29
Ira 2/29
David 2/29

Thank you to this weeks #AllStars! Kids get a star if I catch them doing something Extraordinary! 

1st grade Emmersynn!

4th grade Luke! 

Who's the LEADER of the club
That's made for you and me?

Hey 3rd grade!
Meet the this weeks Mouse-kateers!
Amadeo & Natalie
Each week I'll be picking two kids who
show leadership in class. They get wear the lucky
Mickey Mouse Club lanyards down to my class for
a special lunch and fun in the classroom!
Great work kids! 

The Mickey Mouse Club title screen.jpg

Friday, February 19, 2016

News for the week of February 15, 2016

Bailly Elementary! 

Congrats to the kids who brought in the answer to this weeks riddle: age!

It came to my attention that I did not have email addresses for many of the high ability families so I sent home a note to confirm the email addresses so we can stay connected! Please send that in if you if you haven't already. I'm working with Bailly IT to get the blog reminder updated with all the email addresses that have been sent in! Thanks so much for your patience while we work through this glitch! 

This weeks riddle:

It’s been around for millions of years, but it’s no more than a month old.
What is it?

  • The Life Skill of the Week was Caring.
  • The Word of the Week was Courage.
  • The Quote of the Week was "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you will land among the stars" by N.V. Brown  picked by Olivia C.- 4th grade

CogAT Testing for HA

Next week I'll be giving the full screening to kindergarten students for High Ability Services for the 2016-2017 school year. I'm still doing my best to still see my first graders.  Starting March 1st, I will be screening all of second grade for High Ability Services for the 2016-2017 school year, so flexible scheduling will continue . . . 

First Grade Math:

What do I LOVE about 1st grade math? These girls are SO much fun, they've dubbed themselves the "The Swifty Girls Math Club". This week we watched a movie about time/clocks and worked on a new time/clock packet with little clocks to practice on! We finish up the time lesson next week!

First Grade LA:

 What do I LOVE about 1st grade LA? Emmersyn is the sweetest little girl I work with! She skips down to the HA room telling me all of her stories about Disney on Ice and gets excited about every lesson! This week Emmersynn and I got only got to meet one day. We read a book about hieroglyphics and she completed her time line. 

Second Grade Math:

What do I LOVE about 2nd grade math? These kids run into my class (literally after specials) ready to learn math! We finished up our packet called "Pascal's Triangles".  It's showing them a number pattern in the form of a triangle. We also worked on Magic Triangles, it was fun to hear them cheer when they figured them out, it was a little harder! If they finished early, we started the new packet called "Magic Hexagons". We'll work on that next week too!


Second Grade LA:

What do I LOVE about 2nd grade LA? They can't wait to take turns reading a chapter and they are great about giving compliments to their friends after they've taken a turn. This week I only got to met with them once. We began reading The Velveteen Rabbit. Next week we will continue and create a Venn diagram with Edward Tulane.

Third Grade Math:

What do I LOVE about 3rd grade math? These kids work really hard, every single week! We started off by taking another Multiplication Sweet timed test. We finished up our packet about logic so we got the treat of playing "Around the World". Ask your kids about the crazy jumping out answers and using the force and Jedi mind tricks on me! We also got the treat of working on Sumdog with laptops! It was a real hit! Please encourage the kids to log on at home too if possible! (click on the link below) Next week we will begin a percent packet! Also, look for details about the 3rd grade Mickey Mouse Club I've started for them below!
Click here to go to Sumdog!

Look at those perfect angels with laptops! LOVE!
Third Grade LA:

What do I LOVE about 3rd grade LA? These kids make me laugh! They are so much fun, so for them I've created "The Mickey Mouse Club", please read below for details! This week I only got to see them once so we finished up a lesson about Fables.  Karalena read Jay and the Peacock to the class and wrote about it in the journalsNext week we will talk about Fables and look deeper into adjectives and adverbs. 

Fourth Grade Math:

What do I LOVE about 4th grade math? These kids come to class 15 minutes early each day and collectively whine when the iPad gives us our 5 minute warning. I tell them all the time, I'd keep them all day if I could! We worked on our new lesson called "Role Reversal". The kids are creating a lesson plan to teach their peers. I sent home a form for you for you to sign so you know if they have big plans that might require your help! Please send those back on Wednesday! They are coming up with some great ideas!

Fourth Grade LA

What do I LOVE about 4th grade LA? They are also 15 minutes early to class everyday and don't like to hear the iPad ring the 5 minute warning! I only go to see them once this week. Next week they begin presenting their biography projects! They should try to dress the part or bring a prop if possible! Please encourage your child to practice at home too!   

Luke 2/22
Olivia 2/29
Riona 2/22
Ira 2/29
David 2/29
Logan 2/23
Michael 2/23

Thank you to this weeks #AllStars! Kids get a star if I catch them doing something Extraordinary! 





Who's the LEADER of the club
That's made for you and me?

Hey 3rd grade!
Meet the first Mouse-kateers!

Each week I'll be picking two kids who
show leadership in class. They get wear the lucky
Mickey Mouse Club lanyards down to my class for
a special lunch and fun in the classroom!
Great work girls! 

Alaina & Emma
The Mickey Mouse Club title screen.jpg

Thursday, February 11, 2016

News for the week of February 8, 2016

Bailly Elementary! 

Congrats to the kids who brought in the answer to this weeks riddle: smile!
Because there is a mile between the s's! 
I loved ALL the answers turned in and each child was rewarded! It's so exciting for kids to meet me in class before school starts to bring me the answer! 

It came to my attention that I did not have email addresses for many of the high ability families so I sent home a note to confirm the email addresses so we can stay connected! If you have not sent that back yet, please send it in next week!  

This weeks riddle:
What goes up and doesn’t come back down?

  • The Life Skill of the Week was Pride.
  • The Word of the Week was Optimistic.
  • The Quote of the Week was "Brilliance does not have any limit!"-Nathan P., 2nd grade 

Kindergarten CogAT Testing for HA

Next week I'll be screening the make up kindergarten students for High Ability Services for the 2016-2017 school year on Tuesday 2/16 and giving the full test on the week of 2/22. I'm doing my best to still see my first graders each of those dates.  We get the best results when we test in the morning and that happens to be when I see my first grade groups. Come March it will be screening all of second grade for High Ability Services for the 2016-2017 school year, so flexible scheduling will continue . . . 

First Grade Math:

We got to meet once this week and continued our lesson on clocks and time! This week we got to listen to Katy Perry while they walked around the classroom telling time They really liked learning how to tell time on a clock down to the minute, they are quick learners! We will continue with a time lesson next week!

First Grade LA:

 This week Emmersynn and I got to meet one day. We worked on hieroglyphs. She learned how to write her name and guess what some of of the symbols! She's starting a timeline that we hope to complete next week!

Second Grade Math:
We worked on a packet called "Pascal's Triangles".  It's showing them a number pattern in the form of a triangle. We are also working on Magic Triangles, it's lots of fun! 

Happy Birthday Kali!

Second Grade LA:

They gathered around in a circle and finished reading Edward Tulane. Everyone took turns reading. We wrote in our journals about the book using PQA. Next week we will begin reading The Velveteen Rabbit and making some connections between the stories!

Third Grade Math:

We started off by taking another Multiplication Sweet timed test. I asked them each to take a sheet home to practice this long weekend! They formed buddy groups to solve their latest packet about logic, they worked great together!

Congrats to our newest member of the Math Masters Club... Luke S!
Third Grade LA:

This week we started a lesson about Fables. Natalie read The Lion and the Mouse to the class and Tony read The Ants and the Grasshopper. We spent some time writing in our journals about the lesson.


Fourth Grade Math:
This week we got to practice a lock down drill! The kids did great listening to my direction, staying still and quiet. We began a new lesson called "Role Reversal". The kids will get to create a lesson plan to teach their peers. You'll need to discuss with your student ideas. We had some very creative thinkers... I can't wait to see what they come up with!  

Meet Riona! She likes to come up with "problems of the day" for 4th grade to solve!  
Fourth Grade LA

They are still hard to work on the bio projects!  This week we have been practicing giving their presentations in first person. They should be dressing the part and giving their presentation as the person they chose! Again, they have signed up for presentation dates. Please encourage your child to practice at home too!   

Luke 2/22
Olivia 2/29
Riona 2/22
Ira 2/29
David 2/29
Logan 2/23
Michael 2/23

Thank you to this weeks #AllStars! Kids get a star if I catch them doing something extraordinary!