Friday, September 30, 2016



Coat of Connections:  This was a fun week for the students. We put together our coat of connections, and will be ready to share with our friends what all of our patches represent on Monday!! I love taking this time to get to know my students!

       1ST GRADE MA

This week we started on our math lessons!! We were introduced to “Imi” and “Zani”, two characters that are going to be with us through this journey of measurement!!  On Wednesday, we receive a package in the “mail” filled with measuring items we will be using this year. We also received Speaker and Listener Scrolls. These scrolls will help the students become ACTIVE listeners as well as TEACHING speakers.

      2ND Grade LA

Writing time has come!  On Monday the students sharpened their pencils and wrote about the Generalizations of Connections. They told me why one of the the generalizations were true and gave some examples of them.
They also were introduced to the poem, ‘Eldorado’ by Edgar Allen Poe.  We read this poem together as a class and then the student’s journaled what they thought the poem was saying. Next, we broke into partners, they reread and highlighted words and phrases they thought were important.  Next week we will dig in a little deeper by breaking down the poem with a ‘Reading Analyzer’. A Reading Analyzer will help the students understand the poem better by breaking down key words, feelings, description/images, ideas, and structure. After analyzing ‘Eldorado’ my awesome 3rd graders will re-journal to see how much better their understanding of the poem becomes.


          2ND GRADE MA

2nd Grade math were introduced to Dru and Teller, the meerkat “Detective Duo”, that will accompany us along our math adventure this year. Like 1st grade, they also were introduced to the Speaker and Listener Scrolls that will teach them to be ACTIVE listeners and TEACHING speakers. These are great skills to learn now and carry on for a lifetime.
We also worked on a “Think Deeply” problem. You will hear of these throughout the year. Think Deeply questions are the heart and soul of the lessons and are intended to have the students think deeply about the concepts covered. This is also when a lot of dialogue will come out in the students using their ACTIVE listener and TEACHING speaker rolls.


                                          3RD GRADE LA

Like in 2nd grade, 3rd grade had to get their writing on. They were instructed to write a paragraph arguing that one of the five Generalizations of Change was true and list 3 reasons to support the topic statement. This was tricky for some, but we will go over it in class to make sure we all understand.



 This week we started our math series!!!!  Measuring, measuring, and more measuring……these students are going to measure any and everything they see by the end of this year. We started measuring the classroom on Thursday and will continue the lesson next Wednesday. We also went over RIGHTS and OBLIGATIONS. These are the guidelines to help the students become ACTIVE listeners and TEACHING speakers.


Interview time!  Everyone did a great job turning in their interviews. Once they were turned in, students wrote a multiple paragraph composition to summarize the change of the person they interviewed. We have some AMAZING writers in here!!!!!!



HUNT FOR SHAPES!  Hello geometry and measurement!!  This will be our year in High Ability 4th grade math. Like 3rd grade, we started off talking about the importance of our RIGHTS and OBLIGATIONS, the process of becoming ACTIVE listeners and TEACHING speakers. Then the fun started, hunting for shapes. The students were given a worksheet filled with shapes names (cube, cylinder, sphere..) and went around the room to find them in real life objects. It’s always a fun day when you can learn out of your seat. This was a great exercise to refresh our minds of what some of these shapes looked like. 

Friday, September 23, 2016


1st Grade LA
Concepts of Connections: This week we worked on the idea of word connections.
We started our Monday reading the “Graphic Alphabet”, a book that uses an object’s picture to make the letter. The students really enjoyed trying to figure out what the picture was based on the letter we were on. Some of them were tricky, but they got them!!! We also did a fun card/word activity where students were given a card and had to find the word connection to go with it. An example, I gave a student a yellow card with the word ice cream on it, she then had to find a pink card that connected with it, ‘cone’. They did fantastic on it! We also made a list of NON-connections, such as: snake-door, bat-swimming pool, magnet-wood.
Next week we will start to put together our ‘Coat of Connections’. I can’t wait to learn more about my amazing 1st graders!! Thank you parents for getting the packets back so quickly!!

2nd Grade LA
Concept of Connections:  Second grade also studied the topic of connections. We did a connection word activity where the students were grouped into 3s and given a sheet of connection words, such as: thunder/lightning, mom/dad, school/playground and had to group them into categories.  We then looked at observations or generalizations of connections, an example being, connections show a relationship among objects, places, ideas, and people. We came up with examples for the three connection generalization.
Next week we will be listening/reading the poem Eldorado by Edgar Allan Poe. We will learn about and use a Reading Analyzer along with using a Venn diagram to compare/contrast a picture of a knight with poem Eldorado.

3rd Grade LA
Concept of Change: Unlike 1st and 2nd grade, 3rd grade worked on the concept of change (to make or become different). The students were able to independently brain storm some examples of change, such as weather, seasons and the universe.  After sharing some of their amazing examples I grouped the students up so they could then put their examples into categories.  Not as easy as it sounds, this took A LOT of communication, patients, and listening to their group member’s thoughts & ideas!! We also came up with some NON-Change examples, such as a given number, length, and value.
Last, we discussed and came up with examples of Generalizations of Change.  There are 5 generalizations, a couple examples being, change is everywhere and change can be systematic or random.
Next week we will read and share myths from different cultures in order to construct a definition for the myth genre.
4th Grade LA
4th grade schedule was a little off this week because of Camp Goodfellow, therefore not all of my students were with me both days. 4th grade, like 3rd grade worked on the Concept of Change.  Independently the students came up with example of change, once they had a sufficient number of examples I split them into 2 groups and had them place their examples into categories on butcher paper. This took some impressive communication skills, and they DID IT!!!  My 4th graders are an awesome group, I absolutely adore them!!
Next week we will be going over changes in vocabulary, the English language is constantly changing. The students will gather information about Greek and Latin word parts then apply that knowledge to determine word meanings.

This week ALL math grades did a preview test. This preview test allows me to see where students are before beginning our unit. I went over each test as a class so there were no misunderstandings. I assured them that if they did not know the answer, writing a question mark was completely fine at this time.  At the end of the unit, we will again take the same test and they will be amazed at the improvement!  I use the "preview test" also as a way to group students.  Students who are at the same level of understanding may be paired together.  I will hold onto their tests for now and send them home with the post-test after we are finished.  They worked hard!  Each gave their personal best on it and I appreciate it.The plan was to finish them ALL this week, but with Camp Goodfellow in 4th grade and field trips in 3rd  grade, we will be finishing them next Wednesday. Then on to the FUN STUFF!!!!!!!

Have an amazing weekend!!!

Friday, September 16, 2016


OUR FIRST WEEK!!!!  What an exciting week!! I loved getting to introduce myself and meet the students!! I have a feeling it is going to be an awesome year!!

Language Arts
Our first day for ALL Language Arts HA classes were about introductions and the classroom set up. I introduced myself with a power point; the students were able to see my children, interests, and classroom procedures. I only have them for 30 minutes, organization is key to how productive we can be make our time.   The students went around and introduced themselves and what their favorite summer activity was. There were some exciting places traveled over the summer!!!
After our first day of introductions we read The Leader In Me themed books and did a classroom activity on the importance of being PROACTIVE.

1st Grade LA:
Our story:  “The Little Engine That Could”  by: Watty Piper,  was read and we discussed how our attitudes affect our behaviors. If we go in with a “think I can” attitude we are more likely to try harder!! The students were given different examples of situations and asked how we could give proactive answers.  One example was, “I don’t know what word this is in my book….” . My amazing first graders gave proactive responses like, “sound it out” or “ask someone for help”.

2nd Grade LA:
Our story:  “Tops and Bottoms” by: Janet Stevens was read and we discussed how taking control of our situation and making ‘proactive’ decisions helps us be more prepared. As a class we gave samples of how we are proactive every day, like packing up our book bags the night before so we don’t forget anything for school the next morning.  All the children gave some great examples!!!

3rd   and 4th Grade LA:
3rd and 4th grade did the same story and activity. Our story was “Soda Pop Head” by: Julia Cook, very fitting for both grade levels!!  This story hit on the idea that we CAN NOT always control our situations but we CAN control the way we respond to them. Our activity was to walk around the room and search for posted situations and decide if they were PROACTIVE or REACTIVE.

Our first day was introductions; some of the kids are really getting to know me!! However, in order for me to get better with remembering names, I wasn’t doing so well after the first two days, we played a ball game so I could learn names better and find out fun facts about the students.
Because some of my students are in High Ability for LA and MA I had to change up the second day lesson plans so my returning students didn’t have to sit through the same book. ALL of my HA math classes watched a video about rocks. I promise, it had a Leader In Me lesson involved!!  Our video helped us to see the importance of putting ‘First Things First' our “big rocks”.  It showed the students, by putting the important things first, like family, homework, or taking care of pets, we still have time for fun little things like playing Pokémon Go or watching TV, but they don't take up ALL of our time. Our activity was to label and decorate a “big rock” in our life. We had some amazing examples; family, homework, eating healthy, sleep and sports

Next week we will start our Language Arts and Math curriculum!! I am super excited to get the ball rolling and watch these amazing kids shine!!

Friday, September 9, 2016


Here at Bailly, we are excited to start a fresh new year as A Leader in Me School!
Franklin Covey partners with schools to implement the key paradigms and practices of The Leader in Me through professional development, coaching, and resources in the first three years.  Thereafter, we will continue to access resources and coaching to sustain our efforts and continuously improve. Liberty Elementary is the other Duneland Elementary School on board! It's based around The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.  A majority of the Bailly staff (secretaries, aides, teachers, how awesome is that?!?!?) attended a three day life changing workshop this summer (even more awesome!). Through The Leader in Me, the entire school will be providing character education as well as the essential information students need to know.  We are providing students with the necessary tools to be successful leaders. The vocabulary is a bit different, yet a GREAT thing is . . .we are all using the same language!   Information will continue to go home letting you know more about it. I encourage you to visit the link above. 

Our blog is where you can go weekly to get a peek into our classroom.  You'll read about all that's going on in our world and it'll help you bridge our two worlds together.  I've heard from parents that they often use it to prompt their child into opening up about their week.  I will also do my best to rotate through pictures of the students "in action" in the classroom.  How fun to see them in their learning environment!
My goal is to have it posted no later than Friday!!  I'll inform you through an email to let you know when it's up!  (or you can follow me)  You can access the blog from a link at the bottom of my emails OR through Bailly's homepage under classrooms.

Our weekly schedule will be Mondays and Tuesdays Language Arts (LA) and Wednesdays and Thursdays Math (MA).  If your child qualified for both, I will see them all four days!  On Fridays, I'll meet with the other HA Instructors to share lesson plans for the upcoming week which means no classes on that day.

High ability will meet twice a week, per subject, for a half an hour each day.  Your child's teacher and I will keep an open line of communication to make sure their needs are being met in both locations.

This will be our third year using the High Ability Language Arts Curriculum Project developed by the Indiana Department of Education.  It's filled with many fantastic lessons which each fall under a theme for each grade.  We will use several of the trade and picture books suggested by the state as part of the curriculum.  The gifted lessons use the same models from year to year. (Paul's Reasoning Model, Hamburger Model for Persuasive Writing, etc), so the added bonus is students who continue through the grades in High Ability, will become quite efficient and familiar with the similar structures while analyzing literature.

I'm over the moon excited to share that this year we will be using a high ability based math series!!!  For the younger grades we'll be using Mentoring Young Mathematicians (M2).  The upper grades will use Mentoring Mathematical Minds (M3).
It's very important for gifted students to write and explain their thoughts, ideas, and decisions about math.  Students who are gifted in math may struggle with this, but it's still essential.  In doing so, it will further cement their understanding of the concept.  I will support their writing efforts while in class, but writing and explaining their mathematical answers are something to work on with your child while at home. 

Bailly's start date will be Monday, September 12th for Language Arts (LA) and Wednesday, September 14th for Math (MA).  The first week we use for team building and get-to-know you activities.  Since some of my fourth graders will be going to Goodfellow that week, I will only see them on Wednesday and Thursday for Math.  I'll meet with my fourth grade LA groups the following week. My other fourth graders, going to camp the following week, they will meet with me for one Language Arts day and one Math day.

Thank you for sending the permission slips and getting to know you papers back quickly!! Those will help me understand and get to know your child better.  It will also be a great reference when I need some extra insight into your child.


I graduated from The Ohio State University with a bachelors in Social Work, GO BUCKS!!! From there I went right into family life. I have been a substitute teacher for the Duneland School Corporation for the past 2 years and absolutely fell in love working with the kids!!
I am from Central Ohio and moved to Indiana 9 years ago because of a job transfer. I have 3 daughters who keep me VERY busy with track, XC, soccer and gymnastics.
 I also have a HUGE LOVE for running. Last year I ran the River to River 80 Relay for the second time, Columbus Marathon, Indianapolis Monumental Marathon, and my FIRST 50K (that's a little over 31 miles!!), along with MANY smaller races. I have the same plans this year, many small, usually trail races, Chicago Marathon, Indianapolis Marathon and a 50K in December.
Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns.  Also, I love connecting parent's faces to the students, so stop me if you see me around and introduce yourself.  I look forward to a  GREAT year!

Have an amazing weekend,

Ms. Boster