Monday, September 4, 2017


As learned through Leader in Me, we have the ability to create our own weather. This past year, I have learned we not only have the ability to create, but TO BE our own Superhero.
Here's to a great year of learning, achieving and succeeding as Superheros do. 

It was great seeing all the new and familiar faces this week!!  Since I only have the students for 30 minutes a day, it is imperative to spend this first week on introductions, schedules and classroom procedures. With such limited time, we have to run like a well-oiled machine.
Our first day of classes I introduced myself, my likes, my hobbies, my children and my expectations. The students also filled out a "How I Learn" worksheet. This gives me a little incite as to who works better alone, with partners, with quite music, in complete silence, ect.

Of course, once business was taken care of, the 'Get to Know You' games and activities came next. We have some new faces in many of our classes and a couple new faces to Bailly in general. I feel it is extremely important to not only welcome them, but to make them feel a part of the Bailly Family. Some of the classes worked on a get to know you Bingo, where they needed to find classmates who matched the statement a square. An example would be, "who went swimming this summer?" My older math classes were given a directions sheet to follow. I informed them, not following classwork directions could be the difference between getting a problem right or wrong, no matter how much they understand the topic. It was quite funny to see their reactions when they realized the direction they skipped. Definitely ask them about it!!  
One of the last get to know you games we played was the Circle of US, with the goal of finding SIMILARITIES in our classmates. We sat in a circle, one person without a chair, standing. The person standing told us their name and a fact about them they believed to have in common with their classmates. Next, everyone who shared that fact had to get up and find another seat. The last person standing started it all over again with their name and a new fact. The goal was NOT to be the last person standing, but I found many were WANTING to be without a chair. They put their own twist to the game..... I expected nothing less. 😊

~Enjoy some pictures from our first week.~
1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade