Friday, October 21, 2016


1 LA
This week we were finishing up our deciphering and enciphering worksheets. It is fun for the kids to learn using new tools! Next week we will be working with words we deciphered/enciphered, make a connection between them and draw a detailed picture of their connections.

1 MA
Heavier than, lighter than, or about the same: All week we worked with “scales”. We read the book Just a Little Bit and made predictions as to which way the teeter totter would move when different animals got on. We learned that the number and size of an item/s doesn’t always reflect the weight of it. An example we talked about in class was 100 feathers on one side of the scale would still be lighter then 1 brick on the other. More of one item doesn’t correlate to always being the heaviest. Another example, if we had a large empty box on one side and small box filled with rocks on the other, the SMALLER box would be heavier. This example shows us size does not always correlate to which item is heavier.

2 LA
IMPORTANT: We have started reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane!! We read the first chapter in class on Thursday and the kids love it so far!!!! FOR NEXT WEDNESDAY, the students need to read chapters 2-4, they are very short chapters, please do not stress. There was also a chapter 1 worksheet and a Story Analyzers sent home in their High Ability folders.  The kids have done a Story Analyzer before on Eldorado so they should be familiar with the sheet. They need to complete this on any chapter 2-4. If you find your child struggleing with this, please don't worry, we will be going over it in class.
 I know this sounds like a lot but should be completely fine for these guys. As always, please feel free to e-mail with any questions.

2 MA
Marble Crash Test: FINIALLY!!! These second graders were so excited to finally get this started! Our crash test consisted of having 2 marbles rolling down 2 rulers at 5 different heights. We measured how far the second marble went after being "crashed" by the first one. This was why we were practicing our measuring in inches and half inches so much last week. Next week we will discuss why our measurements may have differed between the groups.

3 LA
FINISHING UP LEGENDS: We finally finished our legends and discussed them in class.  Some of them may have not used their time reading and retelling in their group as responsibly as they should have. We struggled at times retelling our myths during class. The students were given the chace to read them on their own, worked with a partner who read the same story, and worked together on their Retelling Story Maps. We also worked on vocabulary maps for the words ‘legend’ and ‘myth’. This activity went much smoother for us!!!!!

3 MA
Think Deeply: Writing in math!!!   The past two day we worked on our T'hink Deeply'. A Think Deeply is the WRTING portion in math. That’s right, writing! After every lesson the students will have to write a Think Deeply. The goal behind these are to teach the kids how to verbalize their understanding of what the math lesson was about. Not always the most fun for some, but very important!

4 LA
Biography:  This week we continued our discussion on biographies. We explored what components are normally found in a biography and what kind of significant change happens in a person’s life. The students paired up and read a short biography and answered ‘Change Questions’ about their person. We will go over these next week.

4 MA
Think Deeply: Just like 3rd grade, 4th grade incorporates writing in math as well. There will be at least one Think Deeply after every lesson. While this is not everyone’s favorite part of math. I assured them it is extremely important. Think Deeplys are going to be around a lot, we might as well learn to enjoy them ;)  The purpose is to help with verbalizing a student’s understand of what our lesson is about.