Friday, September 30, 2016



Coat of Connections:  This was a fun week for the students. We put together our coat of connections, and will be ready to share with our friends what all of our patches represent on Monday!! I love taking this time to get to know my students!

       1ST GRADE MA

This week we started on our math lessons!! We were introduced to “Imi” and “Zani”, two characters that are going to be with us through this journey of measurement!!  On Wednesday, we receive a package in the “mail” filled with measuring items we will be using this year. We also received Speaker and Listener Scrolls. These scrolls will help the students become ACTIVE listeners as well as TEACHING speakers.

      2ND Grade LA

Writing time has come!  On Monday the students sharpened their pencils and wrote about the Generalizations of Connections. They told me why one of the the generalizations were true and gave some examples of them.
They also were introduced to the poem, ‘Eldorado’ by Edgar Allen Poe.  We read this poem together as a class and then the student’s journaled what they thought the poem was saying. Next, we broke into partners, they reread and highlighted words and phrases they thought were important.  Next week we will dig in a little deeper by breaking down the poem with a ‘Reading Analyzer’. A Reading Analyzer will help the students understand the poem better by breaking down key words, feelings, description/images, ideas, and structure. After analyzing ‘Eldorado’ my awesome 3rd graders will re-journal to see how much better their understanding of the poem becomes.


          2ND GRADE MA

2nd Grade math were introduced to Dru and Teller, the meerkat “Detective Duo”, that will accompany us along our math adventure this year. Like 1st grade, they also were introduced to the Speaker and Listener Scrolls that will teach them to be ACTIVE listeners and TEACHING speakers. These are great skills to learn now and carry on for a lifetime.
We also worked on a “Think Deeply” problem. You will hear of these throughout the year. Think Deeply questions are the heart and soul of the lessons and are intended to have the students think deeply about the concepts covered. This is also when a lot of dialogue will come out in the students using their ACTIVE listener and TEACHING speaker rolls.


                                          3RD GRADE LA

Like in 2nd grade, 3rd grade had to get their writing on. They were instructed to write a paragraph arguing that one of the five Generalizations of Change was true and list 3 reasons to support the topic statement. This was tricky for some, but we will go over it in class to make sure we all understand.



 This week we started our math series!!!!  Measuring, measuring, and more measuring……these students are going to measure any and everything they see by the end of this year. We started measuring the classroom on Thursday and will continue the lesson next Wednesday. We also went over RIGHTS and OBLIGATIONS. These are the guidelines to help the students become ACTIVE listeners and TEACHING speakers.


Interview time!  Everyone did a great job turning in their interviews. Once they were turned in, students wrote a multiple paragraph composition to summarize the change of the person they interviewed. We have some AMAZING writers in here!!!!!!



HUNT FOR SHAPES!  Hello geometry and measurement!!  This will be our year in High Ability 4th grade math. Like 3rd grade, we started off talking about the importance of our RIGHTS and OBLIGATIONS, the process of becoming ACTIVE listeners and TEACHING speakers. Then the fun started, hunting for shapes. The students were given a worksheet filled with shapes names (cube, cylinder, sphere..) and went around the room to find them in real life objects. It’s always a fun day when you can learn out of your seat. This was a great exercise to refresh our minds of what some of these shapes looked like.