Here at Bailly, we are excited to start a fresh new year as
A Leader in Me School!
Franklin Covey partners with schools to implement the key
paradigms and practices of The Leader in Me through professional development,
coaching, and resources in the first three years. Thereafter, we will continue to access
resources and coaching to sustain our efforts and continuously improve. Liberty
Elementary is the other Duneland Elementary School on board! It's based around The Seven Habits of Highly Effective
People by Stephen Covey. A majority of
the Bailly staff (secretaries, aides, teachers, how awesome is that?!?!?)
attended a three day life changing workshop this summer (even more awesome!).
Through The Leader in Me, the entire school will be providing character
education as well as the essential information students need to know. We are providing students with the necessary
tools to be successful leaders. The vocabulary is a bit different, yet a GREAT
thing is . . .we are all using the same language! Information will continue to go home letting
you know more about it. I encourage you to visit the link above.
Our blog is where you can go weekly to get a peek into our
classroom. You'll read about all that's
going on in our world and it'll help you bridge our two worlds together. I've heard from parents that they often use
it to prompt their child into opening up about their week. I will also do my best to rotate through
pictures of the students "in action" in the classroom. How fun to see them in their learning
My goal is to have it posted no later than Friday!! I'll inform you through an email to let you
know when it's up! (or you can follow
me) You can access the blog from a link
at the bottom of my emails OR through Bailly's homepage under classrooms.
Our weekly schedule will be Mondays and Tuesdays Language
Arts (LA) and Wednesdays and Thursdays Math (MA). If your child qualified for both, I will see
them all four days! On Fridays, I'll
meet with the other HA Instructors to share lesson plans for the upcoming week
which means no classes on that day.
High ability will meet twice a week, per subject, for a half
an hour each day. Your child's teacher
and I will keep an open line of communication to make sure their needs are
being met in both locations.
This will be our third year using the High Ability Language
Arts Curriculum Project developed by the Indiana Department of Education. It's filled with many fantastic lessons which
each fall under a theme for each grade.
We will use several of the trade and picture books suggested by the
state as part of the curriculum. The
gifted lessons use the same models from year to year. (Paul's Reasoning Model,
Hamburger Model for Persuasive Writing, etc), so the added bonus is students
who continue through the grades in High Ability, will become quite efficient
and familiar with the similar structures while analyzing literature.
I'm over the moon excited to share that this year we will be
using a high ability based math series!!!
For the younger grades we'll be using Mentoring Young Mathematicians
(M2). The upper grades will use Mentoring
Mathematical Minds (M3).
It's very important for gifted students to write and explain
their thoughts, ideas, and decisions about math. Students who are gifted in math may struggle
with this, but it's still essential. In
doing so, it will further cement their understanding of the concept. I will support their writing efforts while in
class, but writing and explaining their mathematical answers are something to
work on with your child while at home.
Bailly's start date will be Monday, September 12th for
Language Arts (LA) and Wednesday, September 14th for Math (MA). The first week we use for team building and
get-to-know you activities. Since some
of my fourth graders will be going to Goodfellow that week, I will only see
them on Wednesday and Thursday for Math.
I'll meet with my fourth grade LA groups the following week. My other
fourth graders, going to camp the following week, they will meet with me for one
Language Arts day and one Math day.
Thank you for sending the permission slips and getting to know you papers back quickly!! Those will help me understand and get to know your child better. It will also be a great reference when I need some extra insight into your child.
I graduated from The Ohio State University with a bachelors
in Social Work, GO BUCKS!!! From there I went right into family life. I have
been a substitute teacher for the Duneland School Corporation for the past 2
years and absolutely fell in love working with the kids!!
I am from Central Ohio and moved to Indiana 9 years ago
because of a job transfer. I have 3 daughters who keep me VERY busy with track,
XC, soccer and gymnastics.
I also have a
HUGE LOVE for running. Last year I ran the River to River 80 Relay for the second time, Columbus Marathon, Indianapolis Monumental Marathon, and my FIRST 50K (that's a little over 31 miles!!), along with MANY smaller races. I have the same plans this year, many small, usually trail races, Chicago Marathon, Indianapolis Marathon and a 50K in December.
Please feel free to email me with any questions or
concerns. Also, I love connecting parent's faces to the students, so stop me if you see me around and introduce
yourself. I look forward to a GREAT year!
Have an amazing weekend,
Ms. Boster