1/24-Lunchtime Box Tops & Frozen Friday
1/27-Robotics Club 2:30-3:30
Student Council 2:30-3:00
This week we wrote complete sentences to summarize the beginning, middle, and end of the E-Mergency book we read last week. Next, we rewrote each sentence eliminating all words with a certain letter and replacing them with different words. For example, in the beginning summary sentence we chose the letter A. So when we rewrote the sentence we had to replace every word that contained the letter A with a word that did not. It gets hard thinking of word replacements that don't contain such a commonly used letter, but they did it!
On Tuesday, students deciphered yet another secret message! The message read: Numbers can stand for sounds in words! We then read the book Wumbers. It is a fun book that combines words and numbers. Students took turns reading pages aloud. They did a great job deciphering the "wumbers"!
We continued our lesson on area this week. We received a fax from Imi and Zani asking for our help. They have a game called Pom Pom Toss and need to know how to tell how big the targets are. I explained to them that to do they we need to measure the area of each target. We discussed that are is the measurement of a flat surface. It has to be measured in square units ensuring that the entire surface is covered with no gaps or overlaps. Students looked at different targets and predicted which was larger. Next, they used 1 inch squares to measure and compare the areas. They learned that many targets had the same area but different shapes. Students then created their own targets using 8 or less square inches. Then, students arranged the targets in what they predicted was smallest to largest. Next, they used squares to measure and confirm that the shapes were correctly arranged. Students then received another message from Zani asking if he had measured a target correctly. Students wrote back telling Zani what he had done wrong and how to correct it.

Students finished up their reading analyzers for chapters 5 and 6 of My Father's Dragon. Next, students began working on another prediction paragraph for how the book will end. Now that we are half way through the book they know the characters, setting, and much of the plot. They should be able to predict an ending that makes sense with the plot. They began planning their paragraphs using the hamburger model. We will work next week on writing out the paragraph focusing on word choice, sentence structure, and punctuation.
Students worked with a partner this week to build a 3-D shape out of pipe cleaners and straws. They worked together to figure out the difficulties they came across. We will use these shapes next week to make bubbles with 3-D shapes in the middle. Students will predict what shape will be in the middle before we dip them in the bubble solution. We watched a short video demonstrating how this will work. Students are very excited for this experiment!


We discussed all of the patterns that the students had discovered when they filled in their mini 100's charts. Next, each student picked their own number below 20 and colored in a chart and attempted to find a pattern that the multiples followed. Next week we will begin a new lesson.
This week we did a grammar lesson on pronouns. We covered the different rules and forms of pronouns. I printed out a packet of pronoun worksheets that they completed and then we went over them together. Next week, I will introduce them to the genre of mystery and vocabulary that is associated with it. This will lead us in to our novel that we will work on for the remainder of the year.
This week we discussed three types of transformations: reflection, translation, and rotation. The first day we focused on reflection. Students completed a worksheet and we then discussed their work. The next day, we discussed translation. After our discussion, students gave instructions to each and they had to find the location of a shape on a grid by following those directions.
I hope everyone has enjoyed their long weekend!
-Mrs. Marquardt