1/10- One School One Book Kick Off
Report Card Accessible
1/13- Robotics Club 2:30 PM
1/16- PTO Meeting 6:00 PM
Today we will kick off
our OSOB book choice for the
year. Students will come home
with a book and a reading schedule.
We ask that you spend time each
night reading along with us. We
are sure you are going to LOVE
this year’s choice.
This week we learned about lipograms. Students used the words they came up with on their homework assignments to replace every word that contains the letter E in the poem Jack and Jill. Students also used a cipher to decode a message telling them that E is the most used letter in our written language.
After, students had a full understanding of what a lipogram is, we read the book E-Mergency. In this book, the letter E gets injured and cannot be used while it heals so the remainder of the story replaced the letter E with the letter O.
This week we learned about lipograms. Students used the words they came up with on their homework assignments to replace every word that contains the letter E in the poem Jack and Jill. Students also used a cipher to decode a message telling them that E is the most used letter in our written language.
After, students had a full understanding of what a lipogram is, we read the book E-Mergency. In this book, the letter E gets injured and cannot be used while it heals so the remainder of the story replaced the letter E with the letter O.
Before break, the students presented the skits and summaries they created covering the main ideas of chapters two and three in My Father's Dragon. They seemed to have a lot of fun doing that! I have attached the videos for your viewing pleasure!
Students were also introduced to a reading analyzer prior to winter break. The reading analyzer is another structure to use to help them understand what they are reading. With the analyzer, students have to state the title, genre of writing, any new or key words, character feelings, important passages, and the main idea. Since this was their first time filling this out we completed it step-by-step together after we read chapter four.
This week we read chapters 5 and 6 aloud together and then students were paired up to work on a reading analyzer. One group did chapter 5 and the other group did chapter 6. We will discuss these next week to ensure that they were able to complete the analyzer and thoroughly understand how to use that tool.
Before break, the students presented the skits and summaries they created covering the main ideas of chapters two and three in My Father's Dragon. They seemed to have a lot of fun doing that! I have attached the videos for your viewing pleasure!
Students were also introduced to a reading analyzer prior to winter break. The reading analyzer is another structure to use to help them understand what they are reading. With the analyzer, students have to state the title, genre of writing, any new or key words, character feelings, important passages, and the main idea. Since this was their first time filling this out we completed it step-by-step together after we read chapter four.
This week we read chapters 5 and 6 aloud together and then students were paired up to work on a reading analyzer. One group did chapter 5 and the other group did chapter 6. We will discuss these next week to ensure that they were able to complete the analyzer and thoroughly understand how to use that tool.
We began learning about 2-D and 3-D shapes this week. I was impressed by how many shapes they were able to name in each category. Students then constructed 2-D shapes using pipe cleaners and straws. We will learn more about the attributes of these shapes next week.

We began learning about 2-D and 3-D shapes this week. I was impressed by how many shapes they were able to name in each category. Students then constructed 2-D shapes using pipe cleaners and straws. We will learn more about the attributes of these shapes next week.

Students began working on 100's charts this week. They were asked to fill in the multiples of 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 10 on individual charts. I encouraged them to look for patterns as they were filling out each chart. We will discuss the different patterns next week.

This week students finished up their biography outlines on Ruby Bridges. They also learned the 10 rules of the order of adjectives. We practiced the rules on several sentences that contained multiple adjectives.
This week students took a Chapter Check-up to monitor their progress on the lessons we covered in the last chapter. We also reviewed cross sections of polyhedrons. We will begin a new lesson next week.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Mrs. Marquardt