All Week!!
Will also be open during Parent/Teacher conferences
11/3- Daylight Savings-Turn clocks back one hour
11/5- eLearning Day
11/6- Picture Retakes; Early Dismissal- Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/7- Early Dismissal- Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/11- Veteran's Day Assembly
11/14- PTO Meeting at 6:00 PM
This week we translated our connections from home from Pig Latin to English. Each student presented their connection in Pig Latin and friends decoded what they were saying. The kids did very well with this! Next, we had the discussion of whether or not every first grader should learn Pig Latin. The students opinion was split down the middle. We started discussing paragraph structure and will begin working on persuasive paragraphs next week based on an opinion about learning Pig Latin.
We had our Measurement Fair this week! The student mathematicians were very excited about this! There were several centers set up with four baggies containing different items. At each station, students picked two bags, made a prediction about the weight of the two items, weighed the items using our hanger scales, and then drew a picture and wrote sentences about the outcome.
Students worked on editing their persuasive paragraphs this week. We looked up synonyms for words in their paragraphs and talked about how using interesting words makes paragraphs more desirable to read. We also brainstormed similes and discussed how using them adds depth to paragraphs as well. We will continue working on these and write our final drafts next week.
The mathematicians worked with triangles this week. They started with 3x3 squares that they cut into triangles along the four lines of symmetry. Next, students used those triangles with a partner to make different patterns on a color blocked square. The partners then designed their own patterns using the triangles on blank squares. We continued using triangles on Thursday, but this time used the triangles to make new shapes, such as squares and rectangles.
Our third grade mathematicians were presented with an algebraic problem to solve. We are trying to implement using a formula rather than making drawings and counting. We are still working on this concept and will continue until everyone fully grasps it.
This week started learning about Greek and Latin root words, prefixes and suffixes. Students worked with partners to find the meanings in Greek and Latin and how they were implemented into the English language. Next week students will make up there own words using the Greek/Latin word parts.
In math this week, we went over several worksheets together to ensure that everyone understands the properties of all of the shapes we have been learning about. Next week, we will play a game called Triple Play to test their knowledge on the shape attributes.
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend and stays warm!!
Mrs. Marquardt