Thursday, October 24, 2019

Fall Break

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This week the students learned a secret language! Hopefully, they shared their new Pig Latin speaking skills with you at home. The kids translated messages into and from Pig Latin. They picked it up pretty quickly! Next week they will translate one of their connections from the last lesson into Pig Latin and see if the class can translate what they are saying. 


This week we continued our lesson on weight. Students learned how they could use a hanger to measure items in baggies. They were able to identify and name the similarities between the hanger and the see-saw that we had previously used to measure weight. We also discussed that just because there were more items on one side of a scale doesn't necessarily mean that they are heavier than a single item. They practiced weighing a few items to prepare for our Measurement Fair next week! I will have several stations set up so the kids can predict the weights of two filled baggies and then use their hanger scales to find out if their predictions were correct. 

The student mathematicians also sent  ideas and drawings to our friends Imi and Zani to help them determine winners at their measurement game. 


This week the students wrote an opinion paragraph. They used the Hamburger Model to structure their paragraphs. Next, the students exchanged the paragraphs with a partner to edit them. We will continue revising the paragraphs next week. They also learned a new song about persuasion paragraphs. I'm sure they would love to sing it for you at home!

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Students were also introduced to similes. We will work on adding similes into their paragraphs during the revision process next week.


Lines of symmetry were still the topic of discussion in math this week. The kids had to figure out how many lines of symmetry a 3x3 square has. After they discovered that there are four lines of symmetry in a square, we cut out the triangles that will be used next week to make squares and rectangles.

Image result for lines of symmetry


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The students were introduced to author Paul Goble this week. We read his biography and then his story, The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses. We started discussing character traits this week and will be getting into this further next week with the characters from the book. The students will then write a character trait paragraph. 

We began talking about functions this week and will be continuing this next week. We will take this lesson slowly to ensure that we are thinking algebraically verses drawing pictures to solve the problems. 

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While half of our students were on their field trip this week, the other half finished up their Change paragraphs and put them into the Pages App on their IPADS. Next week we will all begin a new lesson together. 
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Image result for polygon venn diagramStudents completed a packet of worksheets to review everything that they have learned about shapes so far. Next week we will be playing a game called Triple Play that incorporates and reinforces the characteristics of different shapes. 

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I hope everyone enjoys their Fall Break!!
Mrs. Marquardt

10/24- Report Cards accessible online
10/25- No School-Fall Break
10/31- Fall Parties and Parade
11/3- Daylight Savings-Turn clocks back one hour
11/5- eLearning Day
11/6- Picture Retakes; Early Dismissal- Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/7Early Dismissal- Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/11- Veteran's Day Assembly
11/14- PTO Meeting at 6:00 PM