Bailly Elementary!
Word of the week : Quality friendship- being deserving of a strong and lasting friendship.
Quote of the week: "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." -Ben Franklin
This week we started we worked on adding & subtracting with Lego! We talked about how each piece has a button and you can add or subtract. They loved it!
Word of the week : Quality friendship- being deserving of a strong and lasting friendship.
Quote of the week: "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." -Ben Franklin
Kindergarten Math:
This week we started we worked on adding & subtracting with Lego! We talked about how each piece has a button and you can add or subtract. They loved it!
Kindergarten LA:
This week we started our first lesson about connections. I gave the kids each a puzzle but switched one piece of each puzzle around. They were quick to figure out what had happened. Then we filled out a worksheet about connections we see and connections we don't. They are all really getting the hang of coming down to my room and are ready to learn! Next week we will begin a lesson called Knuffle Connections!
First Grade Math:
This week we continued working on measurement. We did several worksheets that involved non standard forms of measurement including the use of paperclips! We also did Sumdog together.
First Grade LA:
This week Emmersynn really enjoyed writing her story about the unicorn from book Alphabeasties so I really let her take the extra time to express her creativity. Next week we will look at Bemboo's Zoo and make a Venn Diagram comparing the books and write a persuasive paragraph using the hamburger model!
Second Grade Math:
Second Grade LA:
This week we gave our first book reports! It went really well, the kids were more comfortable than I thought with standing up and talking in front of the class. They all did a great job using their paper to guide them and looking up and making eye contact. They even raised their hands and participated in discussions about each book. Next week we will begin our class book with a guest reader!
Third Grade Math:
This week we did our timed test on multiplication and division. We've all almost passed and they are ready for that ice cream party! We also did another Super Hero Math Comic. We also did Sumdog on the laptops.
The first kids to pass level 1 of the division mad minute! Congrats Sam & Luke! |
Last week & this weeks winners of the Math Super Hero Comic! Congrats Isabella & Natalie! |
Third Grade LA:
This week we make predictions about The Pied Piper then watched a new movie about it. We make comparisons to other stories we have read like how they are similar and/or different. We talked about poetry structure and how a poem can make you feel. Next week we will work on grammar from the Pied Piper, construct the rules of subject-verb agreements.
This week we make predictions about The Pied Piper then watched a new movie about it. We make comparisons to other stories we have read like how they are similar and/or different. We talked about poetry structure and how a poem can make you feel. Next week we will work on grammar from the Pied Piper, construct the rules of subject-verb agreements.
Fourth Grade Math:
Fourth Grade LA
This week I passed out a "pet word" and the kids were asked to use a dictionary to get to know their word by finding the meanings of the prefigures, suffixes, the whole word and part of speech. It was a lot of fun watching them introduce each word to the class like a "pet", they are quite creative! On our second day, two classes were out for a field trip so we had a casual day of putting a puzzle together and discussing what it will be like at WIS next year. We talked out things they can do to prepare for the transition, how to stay organized when using lockers, etc. It was a great time for them to open up about their concerns, they even chose to come down to continue the conversation and put the puzzle together for lunch recess.
This week I passed out a "pet word" and the kids were asked to use a dictionary to get to know their word by finding the meanings of the prefigures, suffixes, the whole word and part of speech. It was a lot of fun watching them introduce each word to the class like a "pet", they are quite creative! On our second day, two classes were out for a field trip so we had a casual day of putting a puzzle together and discussing what it will be like at WIS next year. We talked out things they can do to prepare for the transition, how to stay organized when using lockers, etc. It was a great time for them to open up about their concerns, they even chose to come down to continue the conversation and put the puzzle together for lunch recess.
Thank you to this weeks #AllStars! Kids get a star if I catch them doing something Extraordinary!
Co- All Stars Jessica & Sloane "Sharing is caring!" |
Gage |
Layla |
Isabelle |
Who's the LEADER of the club
That's made for you and me?
Each week I'll be picking two kids who
show leadership in class. They get wear the lucky
Mickey Mouse Club lanyards all day and come down to my class for
Mickey Mouse Club lanyards all day and come down to my class for
a special lunch and fun in the classroom!
Great work kids!
Great work kids!