Bailly Elementary!
Quote of the week: "What you do for yourself dies with you when you leave this world, what you do for others lives on forever." -Ken Robinson.
Just a quick reminder the last day for high ability services is Thursday, May 19th. There will be no services the week of May 2nd. My husband accepted a promotion in Phoenix, AZ and we will be taking our first house hunting trip. It was a very difficult family decision, I will miss these kids dearly!
Word of the week : Compatible – being able to live or work together without conflict.
Quote of the week: "What you do for yourself dies with you when you leave this world, what you do for others lives on forever." -Ken Robinson.
Picked by Jacob, 4th grader. |
Riddle of the week: From what heavy seven-letter word can you take away two letters and have eight left? Bring in the answer on a piece of paper with a parents signature and you can pick a treat from my treasure chest!
Just a quick reminder the last day for high ability services is Thursday, May 19th. There will be no services the week of May 2nd. My husband accepted a promotion in Phoenix, AZ and we will be taking our first house hunting trip. It was a very difficult family decision, I will miss these kids dearly!
That also means summer is fast approaching! If you are looking for great programs to enroll your child in, keep in mind High Ability Summer School! It's a unit planned around the theme of "Time Travelers in Ancient Egypt" taught by Mrs. Pethes. Currently identified HA students in first, second and third grades are invited to attend. A brochure went home a few weeks ago. Simply fill the information at the bottom of the form and return it to the office along with your check. It's a great opportunity!
Another option is Camp Invention offered at Liberty Intermediate School. Their curriculum is new each and every year to ensure participants have a dynamic and memorable summer experience! It's only five days, but an all day program. It's a bit pricey, but worth it if you have a real science minded child!
Kindergarten LA:
This week we had so much fun with their special item from home, thank you for sending them in! We colored a picture of our item and wrote about why that item was special and talked about higher level questioning strategies. They are doing great! We'll continue with a little more Knuffle Bunny next week too!
First Grade Math:
This week we took a break from measurement and had some fun with math facts and dice doing math facts. We also did some Go Noodle, they loved it! Next week we will begin a lesson on multiplication!
First Grade LA:
This week Emmersynn solved a plow writing cipher, it was really easy for her. We also read the book Walter Was Worried and she began drawing her own self-portrait to illustrate feeling using individual letters of the feeling word like the book. She's quite the artist! We'll finish this lesson up next week.
Second Grade Math:
Second Grade LA:
Meet firefighter Nate Williams from the Chesterton Fire Department who stopped in to read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. We also had a second guest speaker, the one and only, "the most beautiful librarian in all of Bailly"... Mrs. Ward! Thank you for taking the time to make our class feel super special, the bean bag chairs were so cozy!
Guess who next weeks guest reader might be? It's SO exciting!
Third Grade Math:
This week we continued with mad minute timed tests. We have 2 more kids that need to pass the multiplication so we can have an ice cream party! Please practice "x 12's" at home! Most have moved onto division. iStep testing really made our class time a little crazy so we spent time having a little fun with some math puzzles, extreme dot-to-dot and Go Noodle! The kids really enjoyed the break since testing can be a little stressful.
Congrats Amadeo! |
Third Grade LA:
Our week was a little wacky because of iStep testing. We s tarted a new lesson about creative problem solving. We watched a movie and read the story "The Emperor's New Suit". We brainstormed issues related to cheating and created a problem and a solution statement.
Fourth Grade Math:
Fourth Grade LA
This week we finished up the lesson called "Historical Documentation of Change". We are discussed Tecumseh and learning the difference between primary and secondary sources. We also teamed up boys vs. girls for a grammar worksheet. Congrats to the girls who worked great together as a team and won!
Thank you to this weeks #AllStars! Kids get a star if I catch them doing something Extraordinary!
Emmersynn & Amadeo
Kali-Grace and Michael
Who's the LEADER of the club
That's made for you and me?
Each week I'll be picking two kids who
show leadership in class. They get wear the lucky
Mickey Mouse Club lanyards all day and come down to my class for
Mickey Mouse Club lanyards all day and come down to my class for
a special lunch and fun in the classroom!
Great work kids!
Great work kids!