Bailly Elementary!
Quote of the week: " Logic will take you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere." -Albert Einstein
Just a quick reminder the last day for high ability services is Thursday, May 19th. There will be no services next week (5/2-5/5 and 5/11-5/12). My husband accepted a promotion in Phoenix, AZ and we will be taking our first house hunting trip. It was a very difficult family decision, I will miss these kids dearly!
Word of the week : Imagination – create ideas in the mind, especially of things never seen or experienced by you.
Quote of the week: " Logic will take you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere." -Albert Einstein
Just a quick reminder the last day for high ability services is Thursday, May 19th. There will be no services next week (5/2-5/5 and 5/11-5/12). My husband accepted a promotion in Phoenix, AZ and we will be taking our first house hunting trip. It was a very difficult family decision, I will miss these kids dearly!
Tomorrow, Fri. 4/29 is the last day to enroll your child in High Ability Summer School! It's a unit planned around the theme of "Time Travelers in Ancient Egypt" taught by Mrs. Pethes. Currently identified HA students in first, second and third grades are invited to attend. A brochure went home a few weeks ago. Simply fill the information at the bottom of the form and return it to the office along with your check. It's a great opportunity!
Another option is Camp Invention offered at Liberty Intermediate School. Their curriculum is new each and every year to ensure participants have a dynamic and memorable summer experience! It's only five days, but an all day program. It's a bit pricey, but worth it if you have a real science minded child!
This week we learned about tally marks, collecting data, and making a chart. The kids walked around Bailly asking what teachers and staff's favorite colors were and made a tally mark next to each color. Then we made a chart of the favorite colors. Next class we will look at our data and write out conclusions.
Kindergarten LA:
This week we finished up our worksheet packet about Knuffle Bunny. We also talked about fact and opinion and did another worksheet packet. Next class we will begin our first persuasive writing assignment by proving the item they brought in is the most special.
First Grade Math:
This week we did some predictions and measurement using yarn. We also did some worksheets for beginning multiplication facts.
First Grade LA:
This week Emmersynn finished up her self portrait using letters. We started a new lesson using speaking, listening, and collaboration skills to solve a problem based learning activity. Emmersynn also completed a Jump Back Cipher. Next class Emmersynn gets to create a poster for the cafeteria that uses problem resolution for a story called Cafeteria Chaos. She's a great artist so these projects are a lot of fun for her!
Second Grade Math:
This week we practiced another timed multiplication test and we worked on a new packet that has Sudoku. We also used Sumdog on the laptops which is nice for kids to work at their own levels and pace. They have user names and passwords so they can play at home from computer or tablet! We also had a guest teacher from 3rd grade come down to play "Around the World", DJ did a great job!
Second Grade LA:
This week we only had class on Tuesday. We welcomed our secret guest speaker... The Mad Hater! Or wait, is that Mr. Zeck?! The kids are really enjoying the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. We talked about the characteristics of the main character and gave examples from the book. Who will be our next guest reader?!
Third Grade Math:
This week there were a lot of kids missing because of iStep testing. We worked on our timed math fact tests and completed a Super Math Comic! The kids have also been working hard at Sumdog. They have user names and passwords so they can play at home from computer or tablet!
Congrats Rowyn & Isabella!
We did it, we all passed!
Who's ready for an ICE CREAM PARTY!!!!
Who's ready for an ICE CREAM PARTY!!!!
Third Grade LA:
This week there were a lot of kids missing because of iStep testing. I paired up kids and we began writing a "Troy Cummings inspired" book. We used our journals to brainstorm the title, main character, plot and problem, sketches of what the monster would look like, etc. Using all of the things they learned from meeting the author and illustrator a couple weeks ago. We will continue with this at our next class!
This week there were a lot of kids missing because of iStep testing. I paired up kids and we began writing a "Troy Cummings inspired" book. We used our journals to brainstorm the title, main character, plot and problem, sketches of what the monster would look like, etc. Using all of the things they learned from meeting the author and illustrator a couple weeks ago. We will continue with this at our next class!
Fourth Grade Math:
Fourth Grade LA
This week we the kids and we began writing a "Troy Cummings inspired" book. We used our journals to brainstorm the title, main character, plot and problem, sketches of what the monster would look like, etc. Using all of the things they learned from meeting the author and illustrator a couple weeks ago. We will continue with this at our next class!
Thank you to this weeks #AllStars! Kids get a star if I catch them doing something Extraordinary!
Aly & Jany
Olivia & Becca
Who's the LEADER of the club
That's made for you and me?
Each week I'll be picking two kids who
show leadership in class. They get wear the lucky
Mickey Mouse Club lanyards all day and come down to my class for
Mickey Mouse Club lanyards all day and come down to my class for
a special lunch and fun in the classroom!
Great work kids!
Great work kids!