Friday, April 6, 2018

January 8th - January 18th

Bailly Super Word of the week:

unable to wait or demanding results immediately

1st Grade LA

The Disappearing Alphabet: Last week we read The Disappearing Alphabet. The book was placed on the overhead to allow the students to clearly see what happens when a letter is removed from a word. This book gave us silly examples such as, if we lose the letter "P", a banana peel would turn into a banana ell. We then began our first Reading Analyzer. We use Reading Analyzers to help us think more deeply about sorties and poems we read. They help students take a deeper look at feelings they had during the reading, what kind of image or description went through their mind, what they thought the main idea the author was trying to get across and what were some  key words in the story.  Students will use this in upcoming grades as well.  

2nd Grade LA

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane: WE FINISHED OUR BOOK!!! On Tuesday we were able to finish the last chapters of our book! If your child hasn't told you about the ending, you should ask them. The look of shock, surprise, and disbelief on their faces was amazing to watch. To hear them say how much they "loved the book", they "want to keep the book", and they "want to get the book" lets me know I did my job. They found the connections! The story is littered with connection between different characters, feelings, and lessons. We will continue using Edward Tulane for a the next novel study.
I have already chosen the title for our next novel study. I haven't said anything to the students about it because I still want all of their attention on the last of Edward Tulane. 

3rd Grade LA

The Flowers: The past two weeks we have looked at 'interactions in poetry'. We read the poem, The Flowers by Robert Louis Stevenson. This poem celebrates the interactions with nature and a child's imagination. After we read the poem aloud, we began to fill out a Reading Analyzer together.  Together we discussed key words through out the poem and what made them key words. Alone the students needed to finish the rest of the reading analyzer. I wanted to see how each student understood the poem by digging deeper into their feelings while it was read, their understanding of what part was important and what the main idea and key points were. The Reading Analyzer also had the students tell me what interactions they noticed within the reading. 
Leading into the NEXT lesson, the students needed to fill out a vocabulary web on the word "naturalist". A vocabulary web, like a Reading Analyzer, helps us look deeper in to the meaning of the word. 

HOMEWORK: At the end of each lesson students have been assigned a homework assignment. The students are given 6 days to complete this writing and drawing. Each assignment has consisted of a journal entry replying to a writing prompt and a drawing associated with our lesson. PLEASE make sure you are asking to see these journal entries before they are being turned in. Many are coming in incomplete.

4th Grade LA

Timelines: Class time for timelines is OVER. If your child has not completed their timelines they were sent home over the weekend to be finished. The ones that are done look GREAT!!! For the next two weeks students will be working on our slideshow and monologue. The slideshow is being done on Google Slides and can be accessed through any computer with internet. When our presentation dates get closer, I would recommend having your child practice their monologue at home in front of someone.