DECISION: to make up your mind

Persuasive Paragraph: Monday we tried to finish up our persuasive paragraphs. I allowed students to be PROACTIVE and take it home to finish. I was happy to see many of them chose to do so. If it was not completed in class or for homework I will allow a few minutes on Monday for completion. The hamburger model and persuasive paragraph has allowed the student to utilize a higher-level thinking skill while planning and writing.
Tuesday the students were on a field trip.
Journals, Review, and Metaphors: Monday I had the students finish their journal entry. Last week I asked the students, Would Edward be better off staying with Bull and Lucy? If you are not reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane with your child, I highly recommend it. It has quickly became one of my favorite books. This book can be an easy read or studied for its' deep metaphors and endless connections. The journal entries allow me to see how deep the students are reading and relating to our discussions.
I love the way we review our homework readings with each table getting to explain a chapter to the class. We have charts in our room to help us track the book. If a new character or setting is introduced, Edward's name or outfit changes, or Edward has experience another emotion, we track them with post-its. It's kinda a big deal to get to write the post-it đŸ˜‰.
As I mentioned above, this book has a lot of connections when you look beyond the surface. This allows the perfect opportunity to introduce metaphors. We read an excerpt from the Testing Tree found in the beginning of Edward Tulane. Once I set the path, they saw how the excerpt relates to our story. They realized metaphors, "describing something by calling it something else", are all around us. We will continue our metaphor lesson next week.
Read chap 18-21
Reading Analyzer: FAVORITE chapter
Writing & Homework: We finished our Beatrix Potter lesson this week. The students wrote on a chart similarities between the theme, setting, plot and character traits in their books. We then identified the different interactions and how they affected the plots of their different stories. This lesson continued to help develop the understanding of interactions while also analyzing classic fictional texts.
We finished up by starting this weeks HOMEWORK.
HOMEWORK: Finish your interactions journal. Think of a time you interacted with nature in an imaginative way. Write a paragraph describing your experience. ILLUSTRATE your paragraph with colored pencils, crayons, or markers.
Computer Lab & Project: Monday we were able to get into the computer lab and print out our pictures for our biography project. Not everyone had their pictures ready. This task is now their responsibility to complete on their own time. However, it is known that they are always welcome to come into my class during lunch recess to complete this!! Once students are done typing out their time line events they will start gluing everything to the time line!! Hopefully, this is where we will be close to ending at before the break.