into the past……
What we did 2 weeks ago
Grade LA
Magic: During the week we discussed how anagrams are like magic. We saw how
anagrams have the ability to change a word like ‘aunt’ into ‘tuna’ or ‘Mrs.
Eton’ into ‘monster’. We read a very cute book called The Great Show and Tell Disaster. This book is filled with silly
anagrams. The students absolutely loved it!
Grade MA

We are continuing our study on area. The students have been working with
targets for our Pom-Pom toss game. We looked at targets they designed using 4
square units. We thought about what kind of target we would rather toss a ball
at, a square one or a long rectangular one, and why? Before this week, all of our
targets had the same square units. On Tuesday we looked at targets with
different square units and discussed why and how a target with a smaller square
unit may be easier to hit with a ball. Students needed to realize, just because a target has a larger area does not men it will be easier to hit. This brings the students back to our square vs. rectangle discussion.
Grade LA

Bye Edward: Last week we finished up our Edward Tulane book and lesson. The
students finished their crossword puzzle and gave me a list of 10 words they
correlated with The Miraculous Journey of
Edward Tulane. On Thursday all the students wrote in wrote
in their journals. I had them tell me what lesson they learned from Edward and
provide an example. I also had them write which one of the ‘7 Habits’ Edward
learned during his journey and provide an example of this too.
Grade MA

Deeply: In math we ended lesson 3 ‘Car Seats for Egg Passengers’. In this think
deeply the students needed to tell me what they would change about their car
seat design and why. I will be looking for changes made based on the experiment
results. Next, they needed to draw a prototype of a new car seat design using
exactly 40 cm of material. They had to include how much of each material was
used for the new car seat. I will be looking to make sure students labeled
their new prototypes correctly.
3rd Grade LA
Fables: We made a large Folk Tale definition book a few months ago. Each time
we study a new folk tale we write the definition, including its elements,
along with examples of it, in our book. We then began to write our own fable.
The students were given a few different fable writing maps to use as guides
along with a check list. I can’t wait to see what their imaginations came up
Grade MA
This week we back tracked a little, mainly because I skipped a lesson. We all
have those weeks!! We are still studying area, more specifically, the area of
odd shapes. The students drew a sunny side up egg on square centimeter grid
paper. I then asked them to find the area. The purpose of this was to see what
methods the students used to figure out the area of full and partial square
units. This is our stepping stone for next week.
Grade LA
LINES: Time lines SHOULD HAVE BEEN turned in and we will be working on our
monologues. The monologues will need to be memorized and last between 1.5-2
minutes long. These will be read while the student’s slide show is going on
behind them.The students will use their time line as a guide for their monologue. They will need to add more detailed information about their time line events as they speak to the class.
This week studied the last of the three transformations, rotation. The students
worked on the worksheet “Turn Me Around”. This worksheet had the students start
with a shape, an arrow or an “L”. They then needed to rotate it a given degree stated on the pater.
I had them mentally manipulate the shapes before cutting actual shapes out to
make sure they were correct. We discussed what strategies they used for
rotating the shapes in their head. A strategy
we discussed was to focus on a point or a vertex of the shape. Some find it
easier to imagine rotating a point vs. the entire shape.