catch up………
it’s been two weeks and I am so sorry!!!
Grade LA
Letters and Language: We started the lesson reading The Disappearing Alphabet. This book was a lot of fun to read! It showed
the kids what our words would be like if we were missing letters. We read funny
examples, such as an owl loosing it’s wings and gaining wigs if we lost the
letter “N”. After reading the story I introduced the students to a ‘reading
analyzer’. A reading analyzer is a worksheet to help us better understand what
we read. We can use them when reading poems, chapters, or even entire stories.
I use these in ALL of my LA classes. We filled in a reading analyzer over The Disappearing Alphabet. This was to help us think
more deeply about our feelings, ideas and images we developed during the story.
The analyzer also helps us identify key words we find though out the reading. Teaching these awesome kids you’re never too old to learn, they taught me what
a sparkle work is, an adjective.
Grade MA
Deeply: This week we wrapped up our lesson on comparing an object’s weight using transitivity. We’ve
learned when comparing 2 objects one is heavier and one is lighter. We’ve also learned when comparing 3 or
more objects of different weight, one will be the heaviest and one will be the lightest. We have also
mastered the skill of transitivity. We are able to find the lightest and heaviest object by comparing them to a third object. Yes,
they get that!!!
2nd Grade LA
Tulane: We are getting near the end of The
Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. Last week, the students were given 4 chapters to read and a reading analyzer to fill out over their favorite chapter (one chapter). We have done many reading analyzers in class. The children should be familiar with them and able to do them on their own. If they have a question, there are guide questions at the bottom of each section to help. The
‘feelings’ and ‘idea’ boxes should include complete sentences. The boxes are
small; they may finish their writing on the back of the page if needed. I assigned: Read chapters 19-22 and
choose a chapter to complete their reading analyzer, DUE January 25th.
The students also have in their HA folders, worksheets to help track the
settings, Edward’s outfits and names, and his feelings. I encourage the
students to track these as they read. We do go over these in class. However, I
have noticed discussion flows much better when they have these already written
down with out needing to flip through their books.
Grade MA

Grade LA

Grade MA
Deeply: We have finished up our lesson on perimeter. All the students made
their own rectangular pens for the Yeti’s pet using the same feet of fencing. We
then discussed the differences in their choice of lengths and widths, leading
us to area. The students finished their Think Deeply answering which size pen
they would recommend for the pet and why. This helped the students see that
pens with the same perimeter could have different area.
Grade LA

Grade MA