Grade LA
Writing: Monday we started the outline for our persuasive paragraph. I
showed the students the ‘hamburger’ we would be filling in. The top ‘bun’ was
our introduction. The 3 middle ingredients were our reasons to support our
introduction. The last section was the bottom bun, our conclusion. We filled
this in and will write the paragraph on Monday. I did not see the kids on
Tuesday because of their field trip.
Grade MA
The Same As: We are
still working with 3 bags of 50. Last week the students were trying to find the
heaviest and lightest of the 3 bags. This week, our goal was to take the same 3
bags from last week and make them ‘about the same as’ each other. This required
the student to take items out of bags and reweigh them. A lot of trial and
error went on, but they all got their bags to weigh about the same. This lesson
helped reinforce the idea that two sets of a different number of objects can
weigh about the same.
Grade LA
Tulane: Wednesday, we reviewed chapters 11-13 and filled out our
settings, outfits, and name sheets. These sheets help us keep track of Edward’s
journey, the outfits he gets dressed in and the names people give him. Thursday
we talked about connection and point of view. We discussed how connections we
have with people, places and things affect our point of view. We looked at the
different point of views Edward, Nellie and Lawrence had about Lawrence
bringing Edward home to Nellie. We talked about their connection and point of
view of this event and the evidence we read supporting it. It was a great discussion.
chapter 14 and finish filling out the settings sheet. On the
settings sheet, the children just need to write a short sentence about an event
that has happened at each setting we’ve listed.
Grade MA
Beyond: We ended lesson 2 and completed our think deeply this week.
Our think deeply asked which measuring tool was the best one to measure the
circumference of the egg. We went back and reviewed the four tools they
measured the egg with. We then came up with reasons why that tool worked the
best. As a class we made an outline of the think deeply. On their own, the
students needed to put the outline into complete sentences using PQA form.
Grade LA
class: On Monday all but 3 of the students were NWEA testing. The 3
I had, played Kahoot on their Chromebooks. It was a quiz game over tall tales.
Tuesday, the third graders had to switch their lunch time with first grade
because of a field trip schedule, we were unable to have class.
Grade MA
Yeti’s Pet: We have a Yeti, and this week we found out the Yeti
has a pet. In class we started working on perimeter. We will be building a pen
for our Yeti’s pet. We measured out the pen we read about in a story; however
it won’t fit in the area we have. Next week we will figure out how to build a
pen with the same perimeter but different area.
Grade LA
SUMMARY: The biography summaries were due THIS WEEK!!! There are still
a couple who have yet to turn it in. I will send out an email if your child is
falling behind. With this project, each step builds on the next, it is very
important to follow the timeline. Our next ‘big step’ is a list of 10 major events and
dates about the students change maker. This will due December 19th. As all the
students have been told, they may come into my class during their lunch recess
to work on their project.
Grade MA
Shapes: NWEA testing has mixed up our schedule a bit, but after this
week we will be back on track. Wednesday, half the class finished their think
deeply, while the other half played triple play and reviewed their polygon
knowledge. Thursday, we started our lesson on 3-D shapes. We started the lesson
with a list to compare the difference between 2-D and 3-D shapes. Flat and ‘poofy’
were examples given. Needless to say, our vocabulary will be growing immensely
with this lesson, 14 new words and ‘poofy’ is NOT one of them. We then went on
to the understanding of a polyhedron, a three-dimensional shape whose faces are
polygons. We also discussed non-polyhedron shapes such as cones, spheres and
cylinders. We ended the class sharing examples of these shapes we’ve found
around the room.