Happy Veteran’s Day!!
Honoring all those who have
served our country
1st Grade LA
Ecret-Say Anguage-Lay: This week we started
to learn Pig Latin. Why would learning a silly language like Pig Latin be taught
in High Ability? The language is a fun way to develop and apply our knowledge of
vowel sounds and syllables. We will continue this next week too. The students
were also given a fun phone puzzle to take home and see who could figure it
out. We did this in class, it was NOT homework.
1st Grade MA
Weight Centers: We completed our weight center activity this
week. The purpose of this activity was to have the children predict then weight
two different objects with our scales. The vocabulary we needed to use was,
heavier than, lighter than, or about the same as. For example, we would hold
two bags, one in each hand, and decide if one bag was heavier than, light than,
or about the same as, the other bag. We would then use our “hanger” scale and
decide if the prediction was correct.
2nd Grade LA
Edward Tulane: This
week we needed to read in class the first day. Make sure we are reading our
chapters at home. On Thursday we went over the importance of asking questions
while reading. We also went over the importance of interpretive questions,
questions that can have more than one correct answer. This has helped while
going over Paul’s Reasoning Wheel. This wheel uses a different way to think
about the text and formulating questions. The wheel helps to ask questions on
the Purpose/Goals, Point of View, Evidence/Data, Concepts/Ideas, Issues/Problem,
Assumptions, Inferences, and Implications/Consequences of a story.
~HOME WORK: Read chapter 8-10~
2nd Grade MA
We are measuring in centimeters now! We
practiced in depth, how to measure using the centimeter side of a ruler. We also
touched on millimeters. We need to know
what those “little marks” between the centimeters are in order to round up or
down if needed, just like our inches and half inches. We played with a centimeter cube to help
visualize what a centimeter looks like in ‘real life’. By doing this, the
students can get better at estimating in centimeters.
3rd Grade LA
Tall Tales……or was it: This week the 3rd graders were all
given stories to read with a partner. They needed to decide if the story was a
tall tale, myth, or a legend. They were also required to give examples from the
story to support their choice and share with the class. Of course they did an amazing
3rd Grade MA
We made a YETI: Well…..almost! We struggled with the hands; we’ll
take care of that Wednesday as a class. The Yeti was made by dividing the class
into groups, each group in charge of measuring and cutting different Yeti body
parts. Once everyone was done, we had to work as a team and piece “him”
together. The students had to construct the Yeti with little information given
to them in a story. They created this masterpiece with the knowledge of a
single foot print size, and went from there!! I took a serious picture, but if
you knew this class, the goofy one fit us better!!
4th Grade LA
BIOGRAPHY TIME: Alright 4th grade parents………be ready
for an email. I will be emailing you with details about our 4th
grade biography project. You should have received a ‘Change Maker Instructions’
sheet to read and sign this week. The sheet is so I know you have seen what
this project in tales. Once I receive the signed copy, I will return it. I
would keep this sheet to help you keep track of this project’s process. THIS
WEEKEND, your child should choose a famous person who has contributed to change in society. They need to have a name to
me by Monday. Your child needs to be able to find multiple sources on this person,
please remind them of this as they choose. Next week I will go over last year’s
examples, our deadlines, and how they will share info with me using their
Chrome books. PLEASE, feel free to email me at any time with questions!!
4th Grade MA
got it!!! I think we have a great feel for the similarities and differences
between our two-dimensional shapes. This game was a great opportunity to help
us understand categories and subcategories of polygons. I have my 4th
graders after lunch and recess, so it also helped with our excited energy level we get