2/10- Robotics Club 2:30-3:30
2/13- Valentine's Day 1:30
2/18- El Salto Give Back Night
2/20- PTO Meeting 6:00
2/21- Lunchtime Box Tops & Frozen Friday
2/22- Robotics Competition @ WIS 8:00 am
Last week students completed a persuasive paragraph supporting their opinion that answers the question "Should parents buy first-graders a cell phone?". Each student had to provide an introduction, three reasons to support their opinion, and a conclusion.
Last week students completed a persuasive paragraph supporting their opinion that answers the question "Should parents buy first-graders a cell phone?". Each student had to provide an introduction, three reasons to support their opinion, and a conclusion.
Next, students began peer editing each others paragraphs. We will go into more depth on the editing process next week.
Students took a Chapter Check-Up last week to monitor their progress on the chapter about measuring area. They all did fantastic!
Then, we began talking about measuring length. Students used cutouts that resembled our friends Imi and Zani's beaks. Imi and Zani couldn't figure out why they kept getting a different answer when they measured the same thing using their beaks. The kids quickly realized that the birds beaks were different sizes! We discussed the importance of using a standard form of measurement, such as an inch. We read Inch by Inch to reinforce that idea. We will dive into this topic more next week.
Students took a Chapter Check-Up last week to monitor their progress on the chapter about measuring area. They all did fantastic!
We finally finished reading My Father's Dragon last week! The kids were excited to learn that Elmer Elevator actually saved the dragon. Next we reviewed the elements of Freytag's pyramid. We discussed how we could break the whole book down to follow Freytag's Pyramid. Then, we will use pyramid on individual chapters and discuss the difference between chapter structure and book structure.
We finished our discussion comparing Jane Goodall and Anna Sewell. Next, students defined several of the vocabulary words that are important for the first ten chapters of Black Beauty. This will lead us right into reading the book. Look for it to come home with your student on Monday.
Last week in math, we finished up our discussion over arrays. Next, we spent some time reviewing concepts the students had learned earlier in the year. Students will be taking a test over everything we have covered so I just wanted to retouch on some things they haven't worked on in a while just to refresh their memory.
Last week, we finally solved the mystery of who stole Mrs. Moneybag's will. It was her nephew! The kids had a lot of fun trying to figure out the clues. They also all realized from the mystery packet that betrayal and greed get you no where! We will be starting our mystery novel soon.
Last week in math, we began talking about grids. Students learned that the horizontal axis is X and the vertical axis is always labeled Y. We also talked about ordered pairs and why they are called that. The students figured out that it is because they have to go in (x,y) order. We discussed and labeled the four quadrants of a grid. Then the students were given sets of ordered pairs that made a shape on their grid. Next, they were given a different set of ordered pairs that translated the shape to a different location on the grid. We will continue working on this.
I hope everyone is having a good week!
-Mrs. Marquardt