12/16- 3rd Grade Dunes Trip (B,B)
Ugly Sweater Day
2:30 PM Robotics Club
2:30 PM Student Council
12/17- Culver's Give Back-ALL DAY
12/18- 2nd Grade Polar Express
1:30 Holiday Parties
12/19- 2nd Grade Trip to Nursing Home
Box Tops and Frozen Friday
End of 1st Semester
12/20-1/3 NO SCHOOL
This week we continued working with anagrams. The students get very excited when they can use the provided clues and figure out a new word to make from the word that was given! We will finish that lesson up on Monday and begin learning about Lipograms.

This week students and I summarized the events of chapter 1 of My Father's Dragon together. Next, we read chapters 2 and 3 aloud. Students were then split up into two groups. One group summarized chapter 2 and the other group worked on chapter 3. After they finished their summary, they came up with a skit to represent what they had written. They will present the skits on Monday. Students seemed to be very excited to come up with a skit to present. I am looking forward to seeing what they have come up with! I will be sure to record their performances and post to next weeks blog for you to view.

This week students and I summarized the events of chapter 1 of My Father's Dragon together. Next, we read chapters 2 and 3 aloud. Students were then split up into two groups. One group summarized chapter 2 and the other group worked on chapter 3. After they finished their summary, they came up with a skit to represent what they had written. They will present the skits on Monday. Students seemed to be very excited to come up with a skit to present. I am looking forward to seeing what they have come up with! I will be sure to record their performances and post to next weeks blog for you to view.

Students used what they have learned about flipping, sliding and turning to make their own tessellations! Some struggled with it initially, but we worked through it together and all of the students made beautiful mosaics!

Students used what they have learned about flipping, sliding and turning to make their own tessellations! Some struggled with it initially, but we worked through it together and all of the students made beautiful mosaics!

Students shared the reading analyzer they completed with a partner on a Beatrix Potter book of their choice. After all students presented their analyzer, we compared three of Beatrix Potter's books using a Venn Diagram. The kids were able to see that there are many similarities in her writings. Potter was an animal and nature lover and that is reflected in her work. Students then shared a journal entry they had written on an experience they have had with nature.
Students continued practicing growth patterns this week. They were able to use a calculator to put a function in to complete patterns. Students worked on several worksheets to get more efficient at this.


Students began reading Through my Eyes by Ruby Bridges this week. This book covers a deep topic about how this little six year-old girl brought about major change with integration in schools! Through my Eyes is an autobiography about Ruby's experience being the first African-American student in an all white school. Students were paired with a partner to read. I walked around to answer any questions as they were reading. We discussed the vocabulary and how it is unacceptable to use certain words. How we've learned so much and come so far from these times. The students were appalled at how this poor little girl was treated by adults simply for wanting to go to school. We will be doing a biography outline to further drive home the concept of change, but I believe they already see how much she has done.
Students began reading Through my Eyes by Ruby Bridges this week. This book covers a deep topic about how this little six year-old girl brought about major change with integration in schools! Through my Eyes is an autobiography about Ruby's experience being the first African-American student in an all white school. Students were paired with a partner to read. I walked around to answer any questions as they were reading. We discussed the vocabulary and how it is unacceptable to use certain words. How we've learned so much and come so far from these times. The students were appalled at how this poor little girl was treated by adults simply for wanting to go to school. We will be doing a biography outline to further drive home the concept of change, but I believe they already see how much she has done.
I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Mrs. Marquardt